Office Phone: 816-520-3659

201 S. McCleary Road Excelsior Springs, MO 64024 USA

About HygienaFilm

Air Representatives has partnered with Phoenix Plastics to create varied diverse plastic products with antimicrobial protection. This protection claims to eliminate SARS-COV-2 and protect from other pathogenic microbes, bacteria, virus and fungi while meeting FDA requirements.

This technology has been extensively tested and validated by various regulatory esteemed laboratories within the industry providing certification of the efficacy of inhibiting the growth of infectious virus’s such as COVID-19.

Air Representatives is exclusively introducing the patented technology to the travel industry and certain geography for Healthcare, Food Services, and Gov’t Agencies. This antimicrobial technology acts as a natural barrier of inhibition against pathogenic microbes by rupturing their cell membranes, disrupting internal processes, concluding in total elimination.

Airline products such as trays, ice buckets, drawers, and other food services products meet the requirements of FDA. Products treated with our antimicrobial technology are eco-friendly, non-toxic, and safe for food service applications.

This patented technology will be instrumental in making our communities a safer place from antimicrobial pathogens.